International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities <p><strong>(IJSSH)</strong>. It is an international refereed journal in english published four monthly (every February, June, and October). The IJSSH is an international peer-reviewed, electronic, online journal in english that provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of the social science, humanity and linguistics. Published by Institution of Research and Community Service, 45 MATARAM SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT with online version of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>E-ISSN :</strong> <strong>2985-6469</strong></a>. IJSSH will cater to needs of all those researchers and academicians looking forward to contribute through their knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of social science. The IJSSH is a publication model that enables the wide dissemination of research articles to the global community without restriction. Thus, all articles published under open access can be accessed by anyone with internet connection.</p> LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi 45 Mataram en-US International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2985-6469 The Influence Of Supervisor Academic Supervision And Teaching Experience On Educators' Pedagogic Competence <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supervisors' academic supervision and teaching experience on the pedagogical competence of educators. The method used is a qualitative research method based on field research. The location of this research was at SMA Abdi Pembangunan Makassar and SMA Amanah Nusantara Makassa, and the participants in this study numbered two people each from these schools. The results of this study concluded that the influence of supervisors' academic supervision and teaching experience had an effect on educators' pedagogy. This is because at SMA Abdi Pembangunan Makassar and SMA Amanah Nusantara Makassar, it is shown that the supervisor's academic supervision and teaching experience have a positive effect on the pedagogical competence of educators. Effective academic supervision assists educators in developing teaching skills and increasing their understanding of effective learning approaches. Whereas broad and varied teaching experience allows educators to develop a better understanding of effective teaching strategies. The combination of good academic supervision and diverse teaching experiences can make a significant contribution to improving the pedagogical competence of educators in schools.</em></p> Baso Intang Sappaile Andi Tenri Abeng Nuridayanti Nuridayanti Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 2 1 1 9 10.55681/ijssh.v2i1.554 Legal Protection for LGBT People from Bullying Comments via Social Media <p><em>Misuse of social media users and lack of knowledge can lead to crime in cyberspace. With the harassment via electronic media carried out by the perpetrator against the victim, the victim feels fear in itself. This research aims to find out how legal protection is for LGBT people from bullying comments via social media. The method used in this research is the normative juridical method with a conceptual approach and a statutory regulatory approach. The results of this research are that bullying comments made via social media towards LGBT people is a serious problem that must be addressed immediately. LGBT people in Indonesia do not have special protection from bullying. However, there are several provisions that can be used to protect LGBT people from bullying comments via social media, namely Article 436 of Law no. 1/2023 and Article 27 letter a of Law no. 1/2024. The lack of reporting and the still closed nature of our society regarding these criminal acts, makes every case of defamation through electronic media difficult to uncover. Therefore, it is necessary to study the legal protection for LGBT regarding bullying comments via social media as a form of criminal act which is the cause of bullying crimes which violate human rights.</em></p> Muhammad Fadhil Faiz Ramadhan Tomy Michael Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 2 1 10 14 10.55681/ijssh.v2i1.1282 Legal Protection Against the Police in Applying Force Means During Demonstrations Which Are Ongoing Anarchy <p><em>The police are an institution responsible for carrying out law enforcement and protecting the community. In carrying out their security duties during demonstrations, many of them became victims of anarchy. The issue of legal protection for demonstrators has been widely discussed in previous studies, while there is still very little research on forms of protection for police when faced with demonstrations. The aim of this research is to find out what kind of protection is given to the police when implementing coercive measures against demonstrations that are taking place in anarchy. The type of research used is normative and the approach used is a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. So the results of this research can be concluded that forms of legal protection can be provided in the form of consultations and assistance at trials, legal regulations and state obligations can be developed for demonstrations that result in fatalities from the police as well as clear law enforcement instructions for the authorities. to ensure legal protection.</em></p> Rahmat Bayu Praditama Mogadi Tomy Michael Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 2 1 15 21 10.55681/ijssh.v2i1.1286 Legal Protection for Consumers Who Are Injured Due to Mechanic Negligence in Repairing Motorcycles <p><em>Sometimes accidents are not always due to the negligence of the motorbike driver, but are caused by the unfitness of the vehicle which is caused by the motorbike mechanic being negligent in providing motorbike repair services to motorbike users. Even though accidents often occur due to unsuitable motorbike spare parts, until now there has been no protection for consumers who are injured because mechanics are negligent in providing their services. Therefore, consumer protection is needed for mechanical services that are negligent in providing their services, resulting in harm to the consumer. </em><em>In this research, the author uses method,a normative juridical with the approach of statutory regulatory approach and a conceptual approach. The purpose research is to find out how legal protection is for consumers,who are injured due to mechanic negligence in repairing motorbikes. As for the results of this research, </em><em>a vehicle being repaired in a motorbike repair shop experienced an accident due to mechanical negligence, the business actor can be considered as the business actor who is responsible for the accident, following the principle of liability based on fault which is used in general consumer protection law. </em></p> Romy Ashadin Anhar HR Adianto Mardijono Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 2 1 22 27 10.55681/ijssh.v2i1.1290 Protection for Heirs Who Don't Give Agreement To Transfer of Land Rights <p><em>Study This use method study normative juridical is carried out with method examine and analyze something regulation law with approach regulation legislation and approach conceptual. The purpose of study This is for know How protection law for expert heirs who are not give agreement to transition right on land. For do transition right on land, the party who wants it do it must own agreement from expert other heirs. If there are lack agreement, transition right on land No allowed. Transition right on land without agreement expert the other heirs are activities that are not permitted in Indonesia. Regulation Indonesian law stipulates that transition right on land No allowed without agreement from expert other heirs. Result of study This is transition right on land inheritance without agreement expert inheritance is deed oppose legal and can cause loss for experts​ heirs who are not give agreement to transition right on land inheritance. This matter caused Because transition right on land legacy carried out without agreement all over expert inheritance No in accordance with regulation legal and can result conflict and dispute among experts​ heir.</em></p> Okthika Nuril Imamah Rosalinda Elsina Latumahina Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 2 1 28 32 10.55681/ijssh.v2i1.1291